Clothes are quiet and patient. They wait wordlessly, clinging to wooden and metal coathangers, to be warmed by our shoulders. Coloured padding for our private wardrobes, they are the pages assembled by the everyday to fit the impertinent, uncontrolled outline of our future lives. Like a silent biography of their owners, jackets, coats, dresses and shirts tell the tale of our wanderings, our obsessions and our uncertainties… The bound, stitched or brocaded cover of a vague, rewritten past, clothes are also the shock headlines of life’s future events, and their kindly benefactors.

Art buying, creative coordination, executive production
Creative Director : Thomas Lenthal
Photographer : Zoe Ghertner
Style : Camille Bidault-Waddington
Models : Othilia Simon, Maria Carla Boscono, Kati Nescher